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Welcome Back!

Welcome back!

So I started the tkbearcrew website back in 2003ish, and for the last 10+ years its been in disarray.  Mostly because I just haven’t had time to look at it.  The original site was my own home grown code, and place to try stuff out, while also posting tutorials and information on how we made our costumes.  There were some other experiments along the way, but as this whole site is truly just a portfolio, my goal was to get it back there again.


May introduce to you TK Bear Crew 2.0!  The new version of the site will catalog all of the costumes I have done over the years and some basic tutorial information.  I will try my best to explain how I made a lot of the costumes, but many will not have the level of detail that other tutorials may have.  Part of it is it’s hard to really document that all when you work a full time job, have commitments, and building your own costumes.  But hopefully someone will find value in what I do share on how i approached some of these costumes.  Over the last20 years I have made a lot of costumes, and it will take time to get them all uploaded.  That said I will include projects other than costumes as well.  Because some of them are pretty cool / interesting as well.


That said have a wonderful week and feel free to reach out if there are any questions.  May take me a little bit but I would always do my best to respond as I can.


